I’m disappointed that trump admin placed the 25% tariffs.
I’m disappointed that this is our governments response.
I love Canada and want it to thrive. I built Canada’s biggest tech company here because I know it’s a special place.
Canada thrives when it works with America together. Win by helping America win. Trump believes that Canada has not held its side of the bargain, and he set terms to prove that we still work together: get the borders under control and crack down on fentanyl dens.
These are things that every Canadian wants its government to do, too. These are not crazy demands, even if they came from an unpopular source.
These tariffs are going to be devastating to so many people’s lives and small businesses.
Action has to be judged based on what it leads to, not how good it sounds or feels. Leadership is about doing what’s right, not what is popular. And hitting back will not lead to anything good. America will shrug it off. Canada will decline.
It’s simply the wrong choice in a possibility space where much better options would have been available.
安省三大上市汽车零部件供应商:Linamar、麦格纳国际(Magna International Inc.)和Martinrea International Inc.在北美及全球设有大规模制造工厂。过去几十年,这些企业跟随全球汽车制造商进入墨西哥,利用当地较低的劳动力和生产成本,同时享受美国和加拿大的免关税准入。然而,特朗普的关税政策将颠覆这一商业模式。
Schedule I banks: These banks are widely owned by the Canadian public.
Schedule II banks: These banks are either foreign-owned or closely held Canadian-owned banks that can accept deposits from Canadians.
Schedule III banks: These banks are branches of foreign-owned banks that are authorized to do business in Canada under certain restrictions.
Shopify公司创始人兼首席执行官吕特克(Tobi Lütke)周六在X平台发帖表示,他对美国总统特朗普(Donald Trump)决定对加拿大商品征收25%关税感到失望。但他同时也对加拿大政府的回应感到失望,并似乎认同特朗普的说法,即加拿大因边境管控不严和芬太尼走私问题而受到关税惩罚。
I’m disappointed that trump admin placed the 25% tariffs.
I’m disappointed that this is our governments response.
I love Canada and want it to thrive. I built Canada’s biggest tech company here because I know it’s a special place.
Canada thrives when it works with America together. Win by helping America win. Trump believes that Canada has not held its side of the bargain, and he set terms to prove that we still work together: get the borders under control and crack down on fentanyl dens.
These are things that every Canadian wants its government to do, too. These are not crazy demands, even if they came from an unpopular source.
These tariffs are going to be devastating to so many people’s lives and small businesses.
Action has to be judged based on what it leads to, not how good it sounds or feels. Leadership is about doing what’s right, not what is popular. And hitting back will not lead to anything good. America will shrug it off. Canada will decline.
It’s simply the wrong choice in a possibility space where much better options would have been available.
加拿大视频分享平台Rumble的创始人Chris Pavlovski在回复吕特克时表示“加拿大不应升级冲突,而应避免报复”。
其他Shopify高管也发表了类似看法。该公司首席运营官Kaz Nejatian写道:“加拿大长期对外来国家、犯罪团伙和恐怖组织在本国的活动视而不见。”他补充道,“每个人都知道,加拿大不可能长期对美国维持高关税。解决方案很简单:加强边境管控,驱逐罪犯,让加拿大公民身份重新变得有价值。”
在加拿大宣布反制措施后,特朗普在Truth Social发布声明,未提及边境或芬太尼问题,而是声称:“我们每年花费数千亿美元补贴加拿大,因此,加拿大应该成为我们珍贵的第51个州。”
图源:Truth Social
加拿大零售巨头Loblaw首席执行官Per Bank周日表示支持政府的反制措施,称“加拿大必须为所有加拿大人的利益而奋力抗争。”
魁北克省储蓄投资基金(Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec)负责人Charles Emond在接受蒙特利尔98.5-FM电台采访时表示,加拿大“必须采取更强硬立场”,并补充道“这是美国能听懂的语言。”
加拿大主要反对党也表达了类似立场。保守党领袖博励治(Pierre Poilievre)呼吁对美国商品实施“一比一报复性关税”,并提出了一系列额外措施,以保护加拿大经济免受冲击。
安省主要汽车零部件供应商Linamar Corp.的执行董事长Linda Hasenfratz警告称,汽车制造商难以承受关税成本,或引发大规模停产。
安省三大上市汽车零部件供应商:Linamar、麦格纳国际(Magna International Inc.)和Martinrea International Inc.在北美及全球设有大规模制造工厂。过去几十年,这些企业跟随全球汽车制造商进入墨西哥,利用当地较低的劳动力和生产成本,同时享受美国和加拿大的免关税准入。然而,特朗普的关税政策将颠覆这一商业模式。
Hasenfratz表示:加拿大工厂不会因关税关闭。“绝对不会,” 她坚决表示,“我们在加拿大生产,因为这里拥有我们最强大的人才储备。我们的加拿大工厂是全球最具生产力的。”
美国对加拿大的商品贸易逆差约为1000亿元,但如果排除加拿大的石油出口,美国实际上对加拿大存在巨额贸易顺差。道明银行(TD Bank)经济学家Andrew Foran在最近的研究报告中指出,加拿大和美国之间的汽车及零部件贸易基本保持平衡。