This guy is an English teacher. He made a big and fake deal about him being in Hong Kong during May 1989. First, who cares if you are in HK? second, why make moving speeches about a story that is totally and TOTALLY not true?
Lastly, the fact is he is sympathic of China and Chinse rulers. I hate this kind of people who are so naive and yet so good at lying!!!
“The opportunity to be in a Chinese high school at that critical time seemed to me to be really important. And it was a very interesting summer to say the least. Because if you recall, as we moved in that summer and further on and the news blackouts and things that went on, you certainly can’t black out news from people if they want to get it,” he continued.
“We can make sure that those weapons of war, that I carried in war, is the only place where those weapons are at.” The comment suggests that Walz portrayed himself as someone who spent time in a combat zone.
Walz served 24 years in various Army National Guard units but he was never in a combat zone.
ChatABC 发表评论于 2024-10-02 10:56:51都已经说错过多少次话了?!称自己上过前线,被揭穿后,说自己“说错话”了!称自己在军队里的官职到了什么级别,被揭穿后说自己“说错话”了!说自己亲历六四,被揭穿后,又是“说错话”了!这个人就是个谎话大王。
你这就是撒谎。 他军队官职没有撒谎。他确实升到那个位置了。但是规定是要在那个位子干三年才能有那个级别的退休待遇。他没有干满三年,所以退休待遇低了一级。你所谓上前线的原话是 “We can make sure that those weapons of war, that I carried in war, is the only place where those weapons are at,” 这个 “in war” 和 “in combat” 是两个概念。他确实是在战争时期服役。你如果在军队里或是有家人在过就是到,combat pay 和 non combat pay 不一样。 Walz 完全没有说错。 他没有用combat。 这两个事情在军人退伍军人里面反响很大。我认识的几乎所有人都在这两个事情上支持Walz。 连几个说还是会投川普票的人都说这两个事情上坚决挺Walz。 这也是为啥万斯川普现在都不提这个事情了。就说因为反作用太大