retarded g8. 又来造谣
!!! whole fuckin fAmily die.
anti China dogs, read the article before say shit. if you still have problems, than your whole families retarded..
anti China fuckin doggs, forgot take your psycotic meds today . real bad hallucinations too, must take whole bottle at a time....
Don\\\'t leave any comments, these fucking anti China dogs begging for more comments, fuckin 1cent income for these two legged crazy doggs .
don\\\'t fall to that . without any comments these anti China dogs don\\\'t even have shitts to eat. NbmSL all anti China fuckin crazy doggs...
又来造谣 [1评]
3月22日,江西南昌,男子称在南昌战网电竞酒店入住,头刚放枕头上小老鼠就发出声音来了 ,拿开枕头发现底下有一窝小老鼠。老鼠手指大小,浑身通红,像是刚出生不久,枕头上已经沾满了血渍。男子表示恶心到睡不着,已向有关部门投诉。对此,酒店回应顾客在枕头下发现一窝鼠崽,涉事酒店工作人员表示,自己也是第一次遇见这种情况,当时第一时间为顾客更换了房间,具体怎么处理需要负责任人和顾客进一步沟通。