You'll Still Owe Money to Your Lender
If you haven't paid off your mortgage, losing your home to a house fire won't make it vanish.
According to Vara Law and a Philadelphia Fed working paper, Californians who have lost their homes to wildfires are typically still required to honor their mortgage obligations, even when their houses have been reduced to ashes.J
In California, you might not need to pay extra on your mortgage after a foreclosure if your loan is non-recourse. Non-recourse loans protect borrowers from being pursued for any remaining debt after the foreclosure. However, if the proceeds from the foreclosure sale don't cover the full balance, you might still owe money. This is called a deficiency balance.
Non-recourse loans
Non-recourse loans are primarily for purchase money loans on primary residences
In California, nonjudicial foreclosures usually don't allow deficiency judgments
Deficiency balance
A deficiency balance occurs when the foreclosure sale price is less than the total balance owed
State laws dictate how and when a lender can hold a borrower responsible for a deficiency balance
Borrowers can work out a repayment arrangement with their lender, seek bankruptcy, or be held responsible for the deficiency balance
No, you can't avoid paying your mortgage after a fire loss through foreclosure in California. However, there are laws and programs that can help you get back on your feet.
What to do
Contact your mortgage servicer: Let them know you're having trouble paying your mortgage.
Ask about mortgage forbearance: This allows you to pause payments for a period of time.
File a claim with your insurance company: You may be able to get help from your insurance company.
Check for disaster relief programs: You may be eligible for programs like the Section 203(k) Rehabilitation Mortgage Insurance Program.
What to consider
You're still responsible for paying your mortgage, even if your home is uninhabitable or destroyed.
There are laws that give homeowners time to recover after a disaster.
You can check your purchase agreement for an “act of God” or force majeure clause.
Other options
You can work with your mortgage servicer to set up payment relief.
You can look into home repair loans.
You can contact a local housing counseling agency.

按揭抵押贷款分为两大类:合格(conforming)贷款和不合格(non-conforming)贷款。其划分依据主要是根据抵押贷款金额的限制。具体的阈值因地域而异。目前美国全国范围内合格贷款余额的限额为 766550 美元。但在洛杉矶地区,由于房屋均价远高于全国平均水平,联邦政府支持的抵押贷款的合规限额可能高达 120 万美元。换句话说,每笔达到或低于该限额的抵押贷款都有联邦政府通过联邦住房管理局(FHA)以及房利美和房贷美以MBS担保形式提供的支持。
如果房主因为自然灾害等原因导致房屋损毁,他们可以联系管理贷款的贷款服务机构并寻求帮助。如果贷款由联邦住房管理局支持,服务机构必须遵循联邦住房管理局制定的服务指南。 其中最常见的援助计划是抵押贷款延期,其允许房主因困难或无力付款而延缓付款。延缓付款的期限因情况而已,可以达到6个月甚至更长。
但大多数用于支付洛杉矶房价较高郊区房产的大笔贷款可能不受相同联邦政府指导方针的约束,因为它们超出了合规限额,或者由不一定是美国政府所支持的机构持有。这些“不合格”贷款也被称为“巨额”(jumbo)贷款。这种情况在像遭受火灾的太平洋帕利塞兹 (Pacific Palisades) 这样的地方可能更为常见,那里的平均房价约为 340 万美元。
更为严重的是,加州地区频繁爆发的山火已经使得一些保险公司开始拒绝在加州接纳新客户或决定不续签现有保单。正在进行的 Palisades 火灾将成为该州损失最惨重的火灾之一:消防官员周三表示,超过 11800 英亩的土地被毁,1000 栋建筑被烧毁,而摩根大通保险公司的分析估计,仅这场火灾的保险损失就可能接近100亿美元。此外至少还发生了四起其他重大火灾。因此,包括State Farm等一批大型的保险公司在最近的1年里开始大幅度取消现有保单,并且停止续保。当然,从保险公司的角度,这是一种风险防范措施,但是却是苦了广大房主。