主管美国政府效率部(Department of Government Efficiency,DOGE)的富商马斯克(Elon Musk)近期大刀阔斧整肃美国联邦机构,继美国国际开发署 (USAID)、教育部等被锁定裁撤后,他的下一个目标可能是美国对外国营运媒体如美国之音(VOA)和自由欧洲电台(Radio Free Europe,RFE)。
美国之音成立于1942年,总部设于首都华盛顿,现由美国国际媒体署(U.S. Agency for Global Media,USAGM)监管;经费则由美国国会拨款,美国纳税人出资。该机构一直是美国政府对外宣传的工具,致力于“清晰有效地向全球民众介绍美国政策”,以及推广美国推祟的“民主自由”,曾在冷战时期打击苏联与东方阵营发挥重要作用。
1961年,它由前总统约翰肯尼迪(John F. Kennedy)成立,当时的主要目标是对抗冷战期间苏联的影响力,以及推动与美国安全和其他国家稳定及经济发展相关的对外援助项目。作为美国主要的国际人道主义和发展机构,USAID的预算通常由国会批准,涵盖经济援助、紧急人道援助、教育改革及公共卫生计划等多个方面。
据美国国会研究服务处(Congressional Research Service,CRS)发佈的一份报告,2023财年USAID的总拨款超过400亿美元,向约130个国家提供援助。其中,资助最多的国家包括乌克兰、埃塞俄比亚、约旦、刚果民主共和国、索马里、也门和阿富汗。
rumble. com/v6jh8u1-live-with-julie.html?start=944
[Word heard – February 2, 2025]
O My United States, the Old Guard and their days of sudden removals and exposures are here. This is the time of the laptops and their servers to be exposed and this will end their lies that have held your nation. This is the time of dismantling of past elections and bringing out the ones that stole them and to remove the ones who are hiding in plain sight as supposed elected officials. There are treasonous traitors sitting in govt making decisions still to give you into the hands of your enemies. The end is near for Chuck Schumer, Adam Schiff, Mitch McConnell, Nancy Pelosi, Elizabeth Warren, Hakeem Jeffries, Bernie Sanders, AOC and many others that were also a part of hijacking this nation.
I am not done exposing the Biden and Kamala and any other past govt official that also took part in the biggest coup and fraud this country has ever experienced, with stolen elections and money laundering of your tax dollars to pad their own pockets and to run an illegal scam on every American. The 2020 election will be brought down along with every fraudulent stolen election. There’ll be massive exposures and arrests never seen like this before. The greatest crime scene in this country is in Washington DC and every crime committed, judgment and justice will be fully served.
Many in your govt right now will not finish out their terms O My United States. Brace for the unraveling of stolen elections that will reshape politics in your nation in a way never seen before. Some of your governmental officials will be forced out. Some will suddenly retire. Others will have health complications and will not be able to return to their duties and some will not survive. Some will be escorted out in handcuffs. Anyway your enemies leave even if it looks like they’re going out on their own, they are not.
Deals are being made right now to save certain governmental officials where others will be let go.
A Civil War in the Establishment is breaking out and the ones being let go have nothing to lose. So they will give up many secrets, the DC Establishment thought no one, anyone would dare open their mouths and expose these secrets.
Part 2
Someone is also about to give up Hillary Clinton in a form of major revenge for what Hillary has done, most people don’t even know about. She’s called for the assassination of many to hide her and Bill’s secrets to stay relevant and in power. When these people and the Establishment know Hillary is no longer important, their mouths will open and tell the secrets of many skeletons in the Clinton’s closet. Hillary’s thousands of emails are coming to the surface. Someone has had them the entire time. This will blow the doors open and so many Establishment secrets will rock many who are in Washington.
The Old Guard is coming out of Washington and justice will be served by Me, says the Lord of Hosts.
James Comey will be exposed in explosive ways. There are many dark secrets he and many in Washington don’t want out. But this cover up of Hillary’s emails and many other treasonous acts against this nation and Pres Trump will be revealed. Past FBI Directors are about to be all brought down in the open for treason that they have committed against this nation.
General Milley is one of the first of many Generals and people who have been in your Pentagon and higher ups in your military that will be exposed. There’s about to be a major Pentagon shakedown that people don’t see yet. My children I told you I would expose where all the lost money went and who’s responsible for money laundering and fraud. Many military officials will be stripped of their medals and dishonorably discharged and some will also be tried for treason.
Brace for the shakedown that is coming where you will find out how many lives were lost to save the Establishment and the secrets the Pentagon and the Military that will all come out and there will be a cleansing that will take place to rid you of traitors to your nation says the Lord of Hosts.
Part 3/3
The CIA is much worse than people realized and the dark secrets and the controlling of the govt will all come out in the open. I’m shining the light on every hidden and evil thing that has been against this nation.
Bill Barr will be back in your news for an unprecedented reason and this news will rock many in the Establishment.
All your enemies’ lies are coming to an end, so brace for their walls and their control of the ones in DC to be brought to nothing. I told you that you would get your nation back and it will be without these treasonous traitors ruling over you. My children I am completely setting you free says the Lord Your Redeemer.
Then I also heard…
Dark horse – you will hear this phrase in your news for an unusual reason.
A massive landslide will be in your news for a shocking reason.
A colonel will be in your news for a significant reason.
A black box will uncover a very dark secret, one your enemies thought would not be recovered but it did and this will bring more panic in DC.
Someone who has been buried for a long time will be brought back into the open and it will paralyze your enemy’s plans. JFK secrets that the CIA had been hiding will no longer be suppressed but it will be a domino effect to other secrets that kept the Establishment in control. Get ready for one explosion after another that won’t stop until your enemies are fully brought down.
Secrets in Arizona are about to be secret no more. Follow the money; find the truth. Maricopa country will no longer be able to hold on to the secret they have had that held up the 2020 election. Arizona and Georgia are key to a mighty upset and this election being fully brought down.
Secrets are coming out at a rapid pace that your enemies can no longer protect. Get ready for truth and proof that will save the nations says the Lord of Hosts.
主管美国政府效率部(Department of Government Efficiency,DOGE)的富商马斯克(Elon Musk)近期大刀阔斧整肃美国联邦机构,继美国国际开发署 (USAID)、教育部等被锁定裁撤后,他的下一个目标可能是美国对外国营运媒体如美国之音(VOA)和自由欧洲电台(Radio Free Europe,RFE)。
美国之音成立于1942年,总部设于首都华盛顿,现由美国国际媒体署(U.S. Agency for Global Media,USAGM)监管;经费则由美国国会拨款,美国纳税人出资。该机构一直是美国政府对外宣传的工具,致力于“清晰有效地向全球民众介绍美国政策”,以及推广美国推祟的“民主自由”,曾在冷战时期打击苏联与东方阵营发挥重要作用。
VOA目前以48种语言制作节目,截至2022年,全球每週听众约3.26亿,较2016年的 2.37亿大增近38%。同年的员工数目为961人,年度预算为2.675亿美元;RFE则为非营利新闻机构,由美国政府资助,每周平均听众为5,830万,辖下有23个分社和逾1,400名自由记者。
上述两个新闻机构长期被视为美国政府对外传播的重要媒介,向资讯相对受限的国家提供新闻报导。翻查资料, USAGM今年度拨款为9.5亿美元,除VOA和RFE外,还分配给古巴广播办公室、自由亚洲电台、中东广播网络、开放技术基金会等机构。
早于2020年,时任川普(Donald Trump)政府已曾多次批评VOA,指责其花费纳税人的资金却未能有效讲述美国的故事,甚至帮助中国宣传。随着川普重新上台及大力的支持下,马斯克领导的DOGE关停USAID的消息因此在全球引发了广泛关注,即使不被关闭,VOA和RFE似乎也将无法倖免于难。
分析认为,川普和马斯克希望解散USAID的一个主要原因是,他们认为该机构被当作是美国极左派的“大本营”。川普日前在社交平台Truth Social上发文,批评USAID及其他机构涉嫌挪用数十亿美元资金,并声称这些资金的大部分最终流向了“假新闻媒体”,作为它们身为民主党平台的“回报”,这可能是“史上最大的丑闻”。
除了两家国营媒体之外,马斯克还将攻击目标指向其他美国主流媒体,频频转发右翼媒体记者的帖文,指控立场倾左的《纽约时报》同样*接受联邦政府资助,就连美联社和Politico也被点名;其中,Politico更是遭到川普以及白宫新闻秘书莱维特(Karoline Leavitt)连番围剿,宣称联邦政府花了超过800万美元订阅Politico,但皆未提出证据。
*编按:《纽约时报》、Politico 和美联社 (AP) 并未获得美国政府的直接补贴。然而,它们可能受惠于间接形式的支持,例如邮政补贴、税收减免、非营利组织的补助,以及政府合约。
1961年,它由前总统约翰肯尼迪(John F. Kennedy)成立,当时的主要目标是对抗冷战期间苏联的影响力,以及推动与美国安全和其他国家稳定及经济发展相关的对外援助项目。作为美国主要的国际人道主义和发展机构,USAID的预算通常由国会批准,涵盖经济援助、紧急人道援助、教育改革及公共卫生计划等多个方面。
据美国国会研究服务处(Congressional Research Service,CRS)发佈的一份报告,2023财年USAID的总拨款超过400亿美元,向约130个国家提供援助。其中,资助最多的国家包括乌克兰、埃塞俄比亚、约旦、刚果民主共和国、索马里、也门和阿富汗。
在左翼势力和民主党人看来,关停USAID无异于让中国、俄罗斯等国家在软实力层面上抢佔更多阵地,让海外需要救助的弱势群体陷入险境。美国前总统奥巴马(Barack Obama)日前发文表示:“该机构数十年来一直致力于抗击疾病、救济儿童以及在世界各地促进友好关係,解散它将是一个严重的外交政策错误,国会应该抵制这种错误。”
英国外相林德伟(David Lammy,又译戴维拉米)也表示,川普大幅削减美国国际援助预算的计划可能是个“重大战略失误”,这让中国等国家填补空白,趁机进一步扩大其全球影响力。
不过,美国国务卿卢比奥(Marco Rubio)对此不以为然,认为重要的是“推进美国的国家利益”,他重申:“这是美国纳税人的钱,不应该将其花在无关紧要的事情上。”此一回应多少体现了川普MAGA式的务实主义。