China isn’t outcompeting with any country but itself, you don’t have to like china, but smearing it will certainly not make you.
To the us, if you continuously complete with others because jealous, you fall in trouble which made by self, but if you continuously complete with yourself to learn others’, you will be better.
En china priorisaron la educacion, ei que ca dar requeza en un pais es la inverstingacion cientidica.在中国,教育是首位,能给国家带来财富的是科研。
1. 主持人上来问他 ,春田市的市长说,政客的言论,对春田市造成了伤害。并问, 川普在辩论中提到海地移民吃狗吃猫,但这个最初是你把这个谣言放大。你为什那么在你的州的官员都讲没有证据并请求你停止的时候,你还这么做?
2. 万斯回答: 在我和川普提出这些关切之前,春田市是被媒体忽略的。然后他讲春田市的学校、医院拥挤等。 他提到有10几个选民给他反映问题。(他这里用的是: my constituents are telling me) 但是他回避了吃狗吃猫的事。 他说,举例来说,媒体说我说移民逮鹅吃鹅是无根据的。但确实有911报警关于这样的事。
3. 主持人说:那个郡的警长和州卫生部门,查了过去11个月的911报警记录,只有2起说海地人从公园把鹅拿走,但是零的证据能证明这些主张。
4. 主持人和万斯来来回回争辩后,万斯最后说,是他的选民先谈论吃狗吃猫的事。 my constituents were the ones who talked about eating dog and cats。 注意,他这里用的是"talked" 的这个词,而不是象上面用的,my constituents are telling me)。 他说的,应该就是最初他那个州有个人发推关于海地人吃狗的事,那个人后来后悔道歉。而她的推被万斯转发放大,被川普在辩论时引用。 万斯在川普辩论完,自己说,网上传的事,有些可能最后被证明是谣言。
5. 结论: 万斯在这个采访中,仍没有出示证据,有海地移民吃狗吃猫。 但他说因为他和川普提了这件事,春田市不再被忽略了,引起了人们的关注。
万斯说漏嘴了,说他们创作了故事。 他的原话: “If I have to create stories so that the American media actually pays attention to the suffering of the American people, then that’s what I’m going to do, Dana.” (“如果我必须创作故事,以便美国媒体真正关注美国人民的苦难,那么这就是我要做的,达纳。”) 之后被主持人问了几次后,狡辩说,是他的选民告诉他的。问题: 1)哪个选民告诉他的? 如果他的选民告诉他知道海地移民吃狗猫,这是犯罪行为,他当时为什么不报警? 2)当时不报警,现在报警也可以,现在也可以提供选民的名字,让警察和媒体核实。
Vance specifically took credit for popularizing the story, trying to connect the story with isolated incidents of immigrants committing murder, telling Bash, “The American media totally ignored this stuff until Donald Trump and I started talking about cat memes.”
Bash tried to interrupt to note that their claims aren’t just memes, but Vance kept talking and adding, “If I have to create stories so that the American media actually pays attention to the suffering of the American people, then that’s what I’m going to do, Dana.”
The CNN anchor again interrupted, pointing out, “You just said that you’re creating the story.” In a long, awkward pause, Vance said nothing and asked Bash to repeat herself, which she did multiple times, adding, “Sir, you just said that you’re creating the story. You just said that this is a story that you created, so the eating dogs and cats thing is not… accurate.”
Vance started talking before Bash had finished but argued that he didn’t mean he was making the story up, but instead, “Dana, it comes from firsthand accounts from my constituents. I say that ‘we’re creating a story’ meaning we’re creating the American media focusing on it.”
美国共和党副总统候选人万斯(JD Vance)接受CNN访问,坦承他乐意在造势场合编造故事吸引媒体注意,并且捍卫先前散布家乡俄亥俄州有居民宠物被抓走吃掉的不实种族主义谣言。他的这番坦白,令人目瞪口呆。

中央社引述万斯在“有线电视新闻网”(CNN)谈话性节目《美国国情》(State of the Union)表示,他认为有必要“编故事…使媒体真正注意到美国民众感受的痛苦”。
CNN节目主持人巴希(Dana Bash)询及有关俄亥俄州春田市(Springfield)居民宠物被抓走吃掉的不实谣言是否为“你编造的故事”,万斯回答说“没错!”
万斯接著说,这些说法源自于“选民说法”,他与共和党总统候选人川普(Donald Trump)已公开谈过这些说法,目的是吸引外界关注春田市相对人数较多的海地移民。
万斯的言论很快遭到美国运输部长布塔朱吉(Pete Buttigieg)谴责。
万斯最后为自己支持春田市的谣言辩护,同时呼吁白宫重视移民政策,并把砲口对准在拜登总统(Joe Biden)任内担任副总统的贺锦丽(Kamala Harris)。