I voted so many times in different states, New Hampshire, New Mexico, New Jersey, Maryland and Virginia, all the states ask for an ID if you vote on election day. All states require voter registration, only US citizens can register. If you mail vote a hundred times, only one vote count, if you are not a citizen, vote not count.
这些 Chinese MAGA 造这种谣的目的就是 Casting doubt on 2024 US election outcome. They attempted to cast doubt on the outcome of the 2024 U.S. election, as their masters are aware Trump could be headed for a defeat. They hope to build a case for another shameless insurrection stunt similar to January 6.
川普应该完了。连Fox News都开始报道了:
Fox News host Neil Cavuto: “In this newly unsealed court paper, we’re learning that former President Trump resorted to crime in a bid to cling to power after the 2020 election.”
Btw, the EVIDENCE for the crimes Trump committed trying to overthrow the election, as outlined in Jack Smith's filing, didn't come from Democrats. The EVIDENCE came from Republicans, came from people who worked for Trump, came from Trump loyalists. Don't forget that.
估计人民真正的看清pathelogical liar川普的真面孔了。
有共和党人宣称,美国亚利桑那最近发生重大丑闻,有 21 万 8 千名选民都被错误标记为提供了公民身份证明,这足以影响该州大选结果。共和党人称,虽然这些人没提供身份证明,但仍然能前往投票所投票。
X 账号“Paul A. Szypula”表示,此事件很有可能是选举舞弊。即使选民没有提供公民身份证明,仍然可在大选中投票,这样的发展无疑破坏选举应有的正当性及正常程序。“Paul A. Szypula”呼吁,此事应该立即解决。
由于共和党总统候选人川普严厉反对非法移民,预计这些突然多出的 21.8 万人可能其中绝大多数都是非法移民,因此很可能在投票时选择投给川普的对手、民主党总统候选人贺锦丽。
X 账号“曹长青”指出,加利福尼亚州长纽森近日签署了法律,如果在投票时被要求检查身份证件属于违法。“曹长青”批评,民主党为了窃选,已疯狂到不可理喻。如果连最基本的诚实都没有,民主选举机制就彻底免谈。
就连 X 公司董事长马斯克都斥责,民主党之前要求旅行时,必需拥有疫苗身份证件,现在却要求投票时不需身份证件,明显是双重标准。
另外 X 账号“方舟子”说,美国副总统贺锦丽成为总统候选人的第一周,引发了贺锦丽效应,宾夕法尼亚新注册选民比 2020 年同期增加 34.3%,民主党增加 46.6%,共和党增加 21.1%,30 岁以下增加 59.6%,女人增加 49%,黑人增加 110%,非裔女性增加 262%。北卡新注册选民比 2020 年同期增加 50%,30 岁以下占 43%(2020 年是 27%)。
内华达州新注册选民年轻拉丁裔妇女是 2020 年 3 倍,黑女人是 2020 年的 2 倍。民意调查没能捕捉到这些变化。