钟表匠 发表评论于 2024-10-16 17:41:49
所以说,哈女士的这张tiket也代表了传统GOP的value. 如果大家value honesty, common decency, and respect the constitutions, 就会对川骗子说 no. 川骗子祸害美国8年多,enough is enough.
钟表匠 发表评论于 2024-10-16 17:41:49
所以说,哈女士的这张tiket也代表了传统GOP的value. 如果大家value honesty, common decency, and respect the constitutions, 就会对川骗子说 no. 川骗子祸害美国8年多,enough is enough.
钟表匠 发表评论于 2024-10-16 17:53:26
看了哈女士的Fox专访,law school 没有白读, very articulate and defend her positions very well in Bret Baier's fireworks。哈女士的智商绝对 >> 川教主智商 >>教友们智商. 教友们千万不要叫骂人家笨了。
-- 川普在宾州的拉票晚会上,在两个人晕倒之后。“Would anybody else like to faint? Please raise your hand” After two people fainted at his town hall due to the heat, Trump decided to make jokes. Sociopath much?
-- Former Prime Minister of Australia Malcolm Turnbull: “When you see Trump with Putin, as I have on a few occasions, he’s like the 12-year-old boy that goes to high school and meets the captain of the football team. ‘My hero!’ It’s really creepy…the creepiness was palpable”
-- 唐纳德和梅拉尼娅开始交往时,他还并非真正意义上的单身,和第二任妻子玛拉·梅尔普斯的离婚正在办理中,不过斯洛文尼亚模特对此并不在意,“我没有做出任何评判,而是选择享受与他的相处” -- 梅拉尼娅回忆录
-- Trump:When Elon Musk came to the White House asking me for help on all of his subsidized projects, whether it's electric cars that don't drive long enough, driverless cars that crash, or rocketships to nowhere, without which subsidies he'd be worthless, and telling me how he was a big Trump fan and a Republican, I could have said, "drop to your knees and beg," and he would have done it......
美国民主党总统候选人贺锦丽今天在摇摆州宾州造势,寻求共和党人的支持,现场有100多名共和党人站台,紧接著她将接受保守派媒体福斯新闻频道(Fox News)专访。
路透社报导,一名贺锦丽团队高层表示,贺锦丽在宾州费城郊外白克斯郡(Bucks County)造势上强调,她的共和党竞选对手川普试图推翻4年前总统大选结果,当时他输给现任总统拜登。
贺锦丽在白克斯郡造势有100多名共和党人站台,包括前众议员金辛格(Adam Kinzinger),他曾是调查美国国会山庄暴动案的众院特别委员会成员之一。