To [email protected]
RE: Concern Regarding Implicit Bias towards Chinese Scholars in Keynote Speech by MIT Faculty Member
Dear President Sally Kornbluth,
I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to express my concern regarding remarks made by Professor Rosalind Picard, a faculty member at the MIT Media Lab, during her keynote speech at the NeurIPS conference on December 13, 2024, in Vancouver, Canada.
In her presentation, Professor Picard displayed a slide featuring the quote: "I did it to make my paper results look better. Nobody at my school taught us morals or values" and attributed it explicitly to a Chinese student who had been expelled from a top university. By unnecessarily emphasizing the student’s nationality in this context, the presentation perpetuated harmful stereotypes and reinforced implicit biases against Chinese scholars. Such a generalization is not only inaccurate but also counterproductive to fostering an inclusive and equitable academic environment.
MIT has long been regarded as a leader in diversity, inclusion, and the pursuit of excellence in global research. The words and actions of its faculty members reflect on the institution as a whole. By singling out a nationality in an example of academic misconduct, Professor Picard’s remarks risk alienating a significant portion of the international academic community, particularly the many Chinese scholars who contribute immensely to MIT and the broader scientific landscape.
It is crucial to recognize that academic misconduct is not confined to any one nationality or demographic. Highlighting nationality in this instance serves no educational purpose and instead reinforces divisive and prejudicial perceptions. Such comments can perpetuate feelings of exclusion among international scholars, contradicting the values of respect and mutual understanding that are foundational to academic collaboration.
I urge MIT to address this incident and reaffirm its commitment to [1评]
email continued:
I urge MIT to address this incident and reaffirm its commitment to fostering an inclusive academic environment. Specific actions might include:
Issuing a statement that underscores MIT’s commitment to diversity, inclusion, and respect for all scholars, regardless of nationality.
Providing guidance and training to faculty on avoiding implicit bias in public speaking and teaching.
Engaging directly with affected communities to rebuild trust and ensure their voices are heard.
As one of the world’s leading institutions, MIT has the opportunity to set an example in promoting fairness, inclusivity, and respect in academia. I trust that under your leadership, MIT will take proactive steps to address this matter and uphold its values.
Thank you for your attention to this important issue. I am confident that MIT will continue to lead the way in creating a supportive and inclusive academic community for scholars of all backgrounds.
ppplu [1评]
最近,麻省理工大学的Rosalind Picard教授在公开演讲中部分言论涉及种族歧视,一位中国小姐姐看不过眼,挺身而出霸气回击的视频在网络上疯传。
然后发问为什么在PPT slide上注明了国籍,是否是因为大部分中国人都太好了,以至于一个中国人不好的例子让教授牢记于心?
NeurIPS 承认,今天主讲人对中国留学生的文化概述强化了隐性偏见。这不是 NeurIPS 的立场。NeurIPS 致力于为我们所有人提供一个安全的空间。我们想谈谈今天下午特邀演讲时涉及国籍的评论,因为这是 NeurIPS 所不能容忍的,也不符合我们的行为准则。我们正在直接与演讲者讨论这个问题。NeurIPS 致力于成为一个多元化和包容性的地方,每个人都能得到平等对待。
如果是道德和价值观教育的缺失,为什么要强调 “中国”?这不是隐性偏见。这是明显的歧视。我甚至怀疑主讲人说法的真实性。我曾希望她只是把它作为一个不道德使用人工智能的例子,但不幸的是,情况似乎并非如此。
从他们的帖子来看,我看不出 NeurIPS 认真对待了这个问题。如果他们真的认真对待,他们就不会使用“隐性偏见”和“泛化”等这样的AI术语。会议领导根本没有认真对待这个问题。
在 NeurIPS 的主题演讲中,我分享了一个故事,其中提到了国籍——我很后悔提到了这个细节。我认为这是不必要的,与我的观点无关,并造成了意想不到的负面影响。我为此道歉,对此事造成的困扰感到非常抱歉。我从这次经历中吸取了教训,我欢迎大家提出弥补过错的建议。
而事后,会场上霸气提问的中国小姐姐@一土麻 也在小红书发声回复:希望隐形歧视,也能得到重视。
提问之后收到了很多现场和线上不同肤色和国籍的朋友们的鼓励和感谢,这样的氛围让我由最初的紧张不安变成了安心和骄傲。很开心大家认可我的speak up!能为我们的community做一点微小的贡献是我的荣幸。
当时在现场也经历了踌躇,最终决定发问是因为希望问题不要go unnoticed,如今也算达成了初衷。感谢大家后续在各种social media的发声和followup行动。我相信我们不卑不亢的态度会在每一次这样的事件中由反击得到展现,也祝愿在我们每一次的努力下这样的事件将会越来越少。