
最新回复:2022年6月11日 8点10分 PT
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According to the constitution of the United States, the purpose of the United States federal government (usfg) is very simple: the American people, in order to become a more perfect union, establish social justice, ensure domestic peace, provide common defense, promote universal welfare, and ensure that we and our children enjoy the blessings of freedom.


Obviously, the purpose of the federal government is to promote the general welfare of its citizens, not that of the world or foreign citizens.


In this regard, the United States has no moral obligation to provide citizenship to foreign citizens seeking asylum. In addition, since the number of immigrants per year is limited in law and practice, the federal government (usfg) should only provide citizenship to those who can best improve the "overall welfare" of the country.


If usfg promises to accept a certain number of refugees without considering their contribution ability, it refuses more qualified immigrants, thus putting the interests of Syrians above its own interests. Do you think Americans will allow this?


This does not mean that Syrian refugees are unproductive. The reason is that the policy of accepting immigrants purely as refugees inevitably ignores their ability to improve the overall welfare of the country. Therefore, the policy of accepting refugees should not be pursued indefinitely.


A generally accepted free market principle is that demand does not give anyone any rights. Just because you are hungry does not mean that you should get food, and no one has the obligation to provide you with food and clothing. Similarly, this does not mean that the United States should give them citizenship, because doing so conflicts with its own interests.


Although the United States has a vast territory and rich resources, Syrian refugees have enough living space. However, their arrival will certainly result in the crowding out of resources. I think the US federal government should not put the interests of foreign citizens above the interests of its own citizens.


In addition, we have to consider security issues. The vast majority of Syrian refugees' identity cards and passports are forged. There is no database to investigate their background. Terrorist infiltration is real.


We donot know how many jihadis there are among the refugees. A small group of people is enough to make a country pay a heavy price. The Paris attack in november2015 was carried out by nine attackers.


There are more refugees supporting terrorism than you think. Immigration has not changed their views on domestic politics. Look at those Irish Americans who support the IRA. They have never set foot in Ireland for generations, but are so enthusiastic about splitting Britain. (the Irish Republican Army, founded in 1919 and adapted from the nationalist military organization "Irish Volunteers", which aims to establish an independent Republic of Ireland, fought with the British troops stationed in Ireland and realized political demands through violent activities for a long time. It is regarded by many countries as a terrorist organization. It once fought for the independence of Ireland and now for the reunification of Northern Ireland.)


Many terrorist organizations enjoy broad public support in Syria. Isis is only an emerging organization in recent years. Al Qaida, ahrar al sham and Al nusra have received a certain degree of public support among people who want to see and end the Assad regime or Isis.

许多恐怖组织在叙利亚享有广泛的民众支持。ISIS只是近些年比较露头的组织,基地组织、Ahrar Al-Sham、Al-Nusra都在希望看到和结束阿萨德政权或ISIS的人们中得到了一定程度的民众支持。

Looking at the rising crime rate and restricted areas in Europe, the vast majority of refugees donot want to integrate into European culture, although the modern welfare state provides them with a better standard of living than working in the old country.


This is an unsolvable problem caused by the stupidity of politicians. The new western response to civil war and terrorist insurgency is to open the border, but it sounds like a victory for terrorists: destroy the west through financial and social means, regularly launch attacks from the refugee population, and recruit local citizens of the host country to participate in the terrorist war. All Europeans are paying for populist political correctness.


So what does the turmoil in these countries have to do with us? Why should we be held responsible for their stupidity?



I believe that most people in most countries in the world agree that the United States is the most important threat to world peace, and its threat mainly stems from its unparalleled military strength:


It has passed the Patriot Act, which gives the US government the power to buckle its hat and launch war in the name of preventing future terrorist acts, while enjoying the power to comprehensively supervise and investigate its citizens. This includes some completely absurd measures, such as requiring me to list my income, assets and savings when applying for life insurance. What does this have to do with preventing terrorism?


The invasion of Iraq without any reason resulted in 140000 deaths, and millions more died due to the destruction of water sources and the shortage of food and sanitary supplies. All Iraqi government employees were dismissed, pro american factions were brought to power, and an attempt was made to permanently lock the oil supply to the United States in the "Iraqi constitution". After the war, no security guarantee was provided, and the whole country fell into chaos.


The United States invaded Iraq under the pretext that saddamhussein possessed weapons of mass destruction. After the invasion, saddamhussein was arrested and hanged, and thousands of innocent Iraqis were killed. In the end, no weapons of mass destruction were found. President Bush was not tried for lying to the world, nor was he imprisoned for plunging the country into chaos. He and his successor still sit in the White House and give orders to the world.


The United States and its NATO allies invaded Libya and overthrew Muammar Gaddafi. Muammar Gaddafi was accused of killing Pro democracy protesters. Just as we waited for the "Pro democracy protesters" who killed Gaddafi on behalf of the United States to take over power, Libya erupted in civil war, and the flag of Isis soon began to surface.


Libya under Gaddafi is like this:


Now is the scene after he was bombed by the United States and its NATO allies:


Here are some facts you may not know about Libya under Muammar Gaddafi:

关于穆阿迈尔·卡扎菲(Muammar Gaddafi)领导下的利比亚,以下是一些你可能不知道的事实:

• electricity in Libya is free... For all citizens;


• the loan has no interest. The Libyan banks are state-owned. According to the law, the interest rate for loans to all citizens is 0%;


• if a Libyan cannot find a job after graduation, the state will pay the average wage of the industry in which he or she will participate, as if he or she were employed, until he or she finds a job;


• if Libyans want to engage in agriculture, they will get farmland, houses, equipment, seeds and livestock to start their farm construction - all free of charge;


• Gaddafi implemented the world's largest irrigation project, known as the "great man-made river project", so that water is no longer short and easy to use in this desert country;


• in Libya, housing is considered a basic human right. (Gaddafi wrote in his green book: "houses are the basic needs of individuals and families.")


• the Libyan government will provide 60000 dinars (50000 US dollars) to all newly married couples to purchase their first apartment to help them form a family;


• a portion of Libyan oil sales proceeds is credited directly to the bank accounts of all Libyan citizens;


• mothers who have children will receive a $5000 reward;


• when Libyans buy cars, the government will subsidize 50% of the car price;


• the price of gasoline in Libya is US $0.14 per litre;


• every libidian can buy 40 loaves of bread for only $0.15;


• education and medical care in Libya are free. Libya can boast that it is one of the best medical systems in the Arab and African world. All people have free access to doctors, hospitals, clinics and medicines;


• if Libyans cannot find the necessary education or medical facilities in Libya, the government will support them to go abroad - not only free, but also they can receive US $2300 per month in accommodation and car allowance;


• 25% of Libyans have university degrees. Before Gaddafi, only 25% of Libyans were literate. Today, the figure is 87%;


• Libya has no external debt and its foreign exchange reserves amount to $150billion - although most of them are now frozen globally.


In addition, don't forget what happened in Syria. When a group of protesters tried to overthrow the Assad government and realize their Arab Spring plan, the United States quickly sent a large number of weapons to deal with President Assad.


The decision of the United States to send weapons to Syria repeats a historic mistake. Syria is currently experiencing endless violence, and hundreds of thousands of innocent people have died. If it were not for the intervention of China and Russia, more lives would be ruined.


Now I want to ask the Americans, do you still think that the displaced refugees have nothing to do with you? Shouldn't the US government be held responsible for these deep crimes?


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牆國網友該問問 為什麼它們牆國那幫子有影響力有資源名五毛 名領袖都這麼熱衷於把自己身體和崽子們往美國送 同時又每天汪汪朝美國狂吠不止呢
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这些网友祖上也是难民 脱贫了就忘了娘
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美国不能光收纳人家的精英, 也得收点垃圾。
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