[Word heard – 24 August 2024]
My children, the United States has been under attack. It’s been under hostile takeover from an unruly and rogue govt and a machine designed to tear apart everything in this nation that made it strong, that made it united, that made it healthy, and that made it wealthy, to take any joy of living here away. They designed this nation and the people paid to run it, to kill the soul of this nation along with the world it was designed to help. This nation has a calling on it and a purpose, to give the world the Gospel and the Good News of Christ, and the Devil is doing everything in its power to shut it down, to further this world into a darkness it will never get out of. He knows this nation is a beacon of hope and truth to the nations and he’s doing everything he can to put out that light and destroy any hope that’s left of this nation and its freedom.
This is a war to save this nation. It is a time where you can’t quit because you would give your enemies something that doesn’t belong to them and it belongs to you, and that’s your victory. I never said getting back this nation wouldn’t take strength and fight with perseverance you didn’t even know you had. You will outlast your enemies my children, no matter what it looks like now.
Great Britain couldn’t take down My nation during the American Revolutionary war, no matter how big or how many weapons they had. My children, it’s the same thing now. This is the same fight, just with different opponents. It’s a machine and a world-wide or global resistance by the elites to end this nation but they don’t have the power or the strength to do it, so don’t hand it over to them because of what it looks like now. You are about to see the greatest upset in this nation’s history.
You will fully get rid of not only Great Britain’s influence, that they had tried to secure their power over this nation even after that war. You have many foreign nations that have joined forces to take down this country but you also have other foreign nations that are willing to help the United States of America to end this war against it. This is a war unlike anything this nation has ever been under - the style and the type of attack to this degree and especially when you have your own govt along with your courts and your news media on that side to destroy it. They thought of everything they could to destroy you and it looked like it would work on paper, but they didn’t think about Me and how I defend and protect this nation. No plan of theirs is bigger than Me says the Lord.
My children, I’m about to rip apart every agency and every entity, every foreign invader, every infiltrator, every treasonous traitor and put them on full display for their final takedown. It’s all coming to a close and many removals are at hand. So get ready to see removal after removal and exposure after exposure to tear apart this machine and bring it to its standstill, never to function like this again. I’M READY TO MOVE MY HAND SAITH THE LORD OF HOSTS.
Hard-wired…this word will be in your news for a shocking reason.
Amherst…this name will be in your news for a surprising reason.
Doug Emhoff…this name will be in your news for a significant reason. Things hidden in his past will be unearthed that the media won’t be able to hide, another form of exposure that will bring their new puppet down further.
Tim Walz…you think you can spin the truth and hide from reality but soon you will not have a choice but to answer for the crimes you have tried to hide. Justice is coming no matter who is on your side, you think will bury and suppress this information. You are about to be betrayed big time.
The battle ground states in this nation are about to rattle the cages of the Establishment they will no longer be able to battle for them to keep. This is too big for them to cheat this time. They are losing their grip how to cheat in this upcoming election enough to steal another one.
A great shock is coming to Washington. Soon they will learn there is no amount of cheating that can get them across the finish line like in times past. This election is not theirs to win saith the Lord of Hosts.
Chemical disaster…this will be in your news for a shocking reason.
Another train derailment is imminent and where it will take place will be surprising.
Another bridge incident will be in your news for a significant reason.
My children I want to remind you of black swan events that I have warned you about that your enemies would try to pull off to create havoc across this nation. They are about to get very desperate for more at one time.
Critical failure…this will also be in your news for a shocking reason.
A nuclear power plan will be in your news for a significant reason.
Remember everything is not how it appears to be. They have purposely done things for more distractions and failures that looks like an accident or by chance and it’s simply not true.
Unconventional things will pick up more and more. So do not be surprised on the things you’re about to see or hear. Unusual things you might not understand but remember that I’m healing your land from all the effects and the damage that your enemies have caused.
I am a God that restores and I will restore it all back to you children of the Most High God. I am here to change the direction and the outlook and the leaders of this nation saith the Lord Your Redeemer.
And then I also heard…
A supreme court justice will come out with a surprising ruling. Watch what next steps are taken against the Biden.
“啥?才300万套?这肯定不够啊!这广告得打回去从写,告诉脸书的那个什么脖哥,把它给我删了。这两年光我这边境三笑沙皇从墨西哥放进来的杂乱七八糟的世界公民就不止一千万吧?虽然每人发了点小钱、手机啥的,可也不能总让人家住Hyatt、Marriott,人家 deserve or entitled 有美国梦啊。啥?没钱?辣有什么关西?烂花钱是我们民猪党的强项啊,哈哈哈哈哈。。。”
综合报道 周二,副总统贺锦丽的竞选团队发布了一则新广告,突出了她降低住房成本和结束住房短缺的计划,贺锦丽对该计划进行了个人的解读。
这则一分钟的广告名为《满屋》(Full House),由贺锦丽读旁白,以她的背景为视角,重点讲述了她的住房计划。