rumble. com/v623npb-live-with-julie.html?start=645
[Word heard – Dec 18, 2024]
For I the Lord this day am telling you My children, the Biden, Kamala, along with the entire Establishment will soon regret their acts against this nation.
They will regret every indictment.
They will regret every attack against My David.
They will regret the assassination attempt against him and anyone else they tried or were successful at eliminating for their system to continue moving forward.
They will regret the impeachment.
They will regret the 2020 election.
They will regret Jan 6 and their coup they made against the rightful president and this entire country.
They will regret giving money to foreign enemies to bury their secrets. They will regret every decision they have made against Me says the Lord Most High.
I am putting your enemies on the run.
They will scatter.
They will fall.
They will collapse.
They will implode.
They will be removed.
They will be annihilated as if they were never in their powerful positions, destroying not only this country but every country around the world.
Bombshells of truth are coming that will knock them out of those seats and it will knock them off of their feet. Your enemies have no idea what I have in My arsenal, ready to fire their way. They have built their empires and all their systems just to watch them burn. They will not see their outcome of their reset when and how they want it. The collapse of their global govt will send them running and it will send them into a panic they have never felt.
My children you’re about to watch CEO’s and Presidents of multi-billion and trillion dollar companies and corporations fizzle out like they never existed.
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Some will cry and scream trying to save their precious fortunes and their livelihood by turning others in around them that committed the same crimes so they could just save themselves from the same fate.
Jeff Bezos will fall and fall hard and he will not fall alone. Bill Gates will also join him.
The Alphabet Inc., it’s founders and CEO’s will take a very large hit because of their dealings with Google. My children once you realize what Google has been hiding and doing with their search engine, it will bring a collapse to many companies and destroy govts around the world. This is the time of reckoning for those evil regimes dominating the world. The time of judgment is here for those against Me and that will be clear says the Lord of Hosts.
Silicon Valley is about to shake and shake violently with the truth that’s about to hit those who’ve been controlling this nation. Apple will not be exempt from the shaking. And Facebook will not either.
The curtains are about to open on the ones hiding the most around the world. An entire system is falling before your eyes. My children when it burns, it will bring great celebration to you ‘cause I will protect you from their fallout and I will deliver you from their wicked hands.
Do not fear what you hear out of your enemies mouths next because they will not get what they are trying to do to you, instead it will happen to them. Their days of being in the spotlight are ending when yours are just beginning.
Unprecedented, unconventional and unusual is about to become normal for you to see My children. Everything is about to change for your good. This is that time the world will see Me as Protector and the Defender of My nations and MY children says the Lord Your Redeemer.

报道称,特朗普当天在讲话中称,“他们把他(麦金利)的名字从‘麦金利山’上去掉了。”他补充说,“他是一位伟大的总统。”特朗普还表示,他的政府将恢复“麦金利山”这一命名方式,因为特朗普认为“(美前总统)麦金利值得拥有” 。