which country bomb nord stream bomb 💣,
fkin USA chernobyl disaster. do u remember?
retarded g8. 又来造谣
!!! whole fuckin fAmily die.
anti China dogs, read the article before say shit. if you still have problems, than your whole families retarded..
anti China fuckin doggs, forgot take your psycotic meds today . real bad hallucinations too, must take whole bottle at a time....
Don\\\'t leave any comments, these fucking anti China dogs begging for more comments, fuckin 1cent income for these two legged crazy doggs .
don\\\'t fall to that . without any comments these anti China dogs don\\\'t even have shitts to eat. NbmSL all anti China fuckin crazy doggs...
【父亲发现12岁女儿给网友发胸照 聊天记录不忍直视】3月13日,河南漯河,一位12岁女孩的父亲,讲述了一段让他无比痛心的经历。他于近期发现上六年级的女儿偷偷买了手机与陌生网友聊天,聊天内容不堪入目,对方还诱导女儿发送了隐私照片。这位父亲表示,女儿最先是从短视频APP的主播处加入了所谓的“红包群”抢红包,随后群内有人安排“组CP”,而他女儿竟同时与多名网友达成了所谓的“恋爱”关系,再往后就出现了他不忍直视的私聊内容。这个12岁女孩称:“很多同学都这么玩,我听着她们说,就也想着加入,发照片就是没禁得住诱惑。”这位父亲事后并未苛责女儿,而是陷入反思,为什么会出现这种情况,家长们到底该怎么做?