If the war is needed to clean up Taiwan, then the war is not for CCP, it is for China territory.
This misleading won't work - I will go to Taiwan for sure
Fishman1962 发表评论于 2023-05-01 09:36:00If the war is needed to clean up Taiwan, then the war is not for CCP, it is for China territory.
You tell to clean up Taiwan. Does it include the people of Taiwan? Only CCP can do such nonhuman actions. You are son of a bitch.
Of course it does not include Chinese. However, there are how many separatist? The Taiwan DPP told everyone as long as not more than 8.17 million, it is not over-extended?
Deepspace_01 发表评论于 2023-05-01 09:44:42Fishman1962 发表评论于 2023-05-01 09:36:00If the war is needed to clean up Taiwan, then the war is not for CCP, it is for China territory.
You tell to clean up Taiwan. Does it include the people of Taiwan? Only CCP can do such nonhuman actions. You are son of a bitch.
彼采荇兮 发表评论于 2023-05-01 11:23:33
Of course it does not include Chinese. However, there are how many separatist? The Taiwan DPP told everyone as long as not more than 8.17 million, it is not over-extended?
Whatever political opinions they have, they are the people. You guys want to clean up them, you are criminals and rubbish.
Deepspace_01 发表评论于 2023-05-01 12:33:49彼采荇兮 发表评论于 2023-05-01 11:23:33
Of course it does not include Chinese. However, there are how many separatist? The Taiwan DPP told everyone as long as not more than 8.17 million, it is not over-extended?
Whatever political opinions they have, they are the people. You guys want to clean up them, you are criminals and rubbish.
Criminals? are you kidding me? If the war between PLA and DDP breaks out, there is only live or death - enemy. Only the losers become war criminal. be logic
DDP Claimed that, Not CCP though.
Deepspace_01 发表评论于 2023-05-01 12:33:49彼采荇兮 发表评论于 2023-05-01 11:23:33
Of course it does not include Chinese. However, there are how many separatist? The Taiwan DPP told everyone as long as not more than 8.17 million, it is not over-extended?
Whatever political opinions they have, they are the people. You guys want to clean up them, you are criminals and rubbish.
Fishman1962 发表评论于 2023-05-01 12:45:32
Criminals? are you kidding me? If the war between PLA and DDP breaks out, there is only live or death - enemy. Only the losers become war criminal. be logic
That is a eye angle from you low-level red scum. Be careful your big bun punishes you guys.
Fishman1962 发表评论于 2023-05-01 12:45:32
Criminals? are you kidding me? If the war between PLA and DDP breaks out, there is only live or death - enemy. Only the losers become war criminal. be logic
That is an eye angle from you low-level red scum. Be careful your Xi bun punishes you guys.
Deepspace_01 发表评论于 2023-05-01 13:07:55Fishman1962 发表评论于 2023-05-01 12:45:32
Criminals? are you kidding me? If the war between PLA and DDP breaks out, there is only live or death - enemy. Only the losers become war criminal. be logic
That is an eye angle from you low-level red scum. Be careful your Xi bun punishes you guys.
You are nothing rather than just know how to swear. No logic and poor educated behind what you said
近日,有中国网友发帖“如果发生战争,我是不会去的,也不会让我的孩子去,我是生活在底层的人 ,和平时候没人记到我们,有难时候才想起我们,说什么国家有难,人人有责,发福利的时候,享受国家待遇的时候都没给同等待遇,谁爱去谁去,反正我不去,也不让我的孩子去!”
1、农管、城管甚至交警、砖家(专家)胡作非为,负面影响太大。 农管至少得罪60%以上的中国人,甚至更多。 毕竟中国总人口为14亿,农民比例为41%,接近5亿人生活在农村,每年生产的粮食就有6亿多吨。
2、贫富差距。当初说好的先富起来的人带动后面的人,但是这么多年过去了,他们并没有来带动,反而成了万恶的资本家。 更有甚者,官方对所谓的主流媒体视而不见,还常常画大饼,放毒鸡汤,令人反感。
4、滥用公权。政府官员利用手中的权力,为自己身边的亲信谋利,造成了对人才的排斥和压制。 例如:江西的周大少、李县令、“北极鲶鱼”、河南的李书记,等等。