Is Tiananmen Square the greatest example of pro democracy bravery in living history?
No. The students ignited the Tiananmen incident by mourning the great communist Hu Yaobang, the former general secretary of CPC. The students were against Deng Xiaoping. Deng promoted the market economy and was considered by many a capitalist betraying communism. In their rally at Tiananmen Square, the students sang the International, the iconic song for a century of the International Communist Movement. The June Fourth incident halted market reform in China, as market reform was perceived by many as leading China into a capitalist country. For a period of time after June Fourth f, China stopped the market reform, pondering if China could still reform. The reform resumed after Deng visited Shenzen, and gave a speech affirming the market reform.
Anti-capitalism and rallying for communism in communist China is not a brave rally, even considering communism a democracy.
曾参加 1989 年天安门广场抗议活动,昨( 2 )日在美国纽约参加了六四纪念馆的开幕。其中当年抗议活动的学生领导人、记念馆创始人王丹表示,“纪念馆的意义不只在于记忆,也是为了当下与未来”。
据美国《纽约时报》报导,六四纪念馆展览占地 185 平米,展品除包括包括剪报、写给入狱的抗议者的信外,更有当年示威活动留下的一条血迹斑斑的横幅和一顶天蓝色的帐篷。
当年示威活动中有多达数百甚至数千人遇害,因此在展览中有一个横幅显示,目前已经收集到了 200 名遇害者的姓名。
王丹在受访时表示,“今天,当我们开始意识到习近平政权对人类文明构成的威胁时,我们应该记得 1989 年”,更直言“世界应记住中国共产党的真面目”。